Bibliography of the Indian Diaspora in Aotearoa New Zealand:

NOTE: This bibliography was initially hosted by Wikispaces, a free web-hosting site which ceased operating in 2018. Since then, it has been missing from the web. As of January 2020, it has now found a permanent home on the EarthDiverse website. This bibliography was complied and is currently maintained by Dr Todd Nachowitz. If you know of other sources that should be listed, please contact him through the Contacts page in the main menu above.

Last updated 21 Dec 2024.


Adam, Leila
• 1999. “A Muslim community in New Zealand”. Al-Nahda 19(1), pp. 38-41.

Ali, Nargis
• 2013. Being Muslim and doing Islam: narratives that shape the physical activity of Muslim women in New Zealand, a thesis submitted to AUT for the degree of Doctor of Health Science. Auckland: Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, Auckland University of Technology. Available at <>.

Anderson, Anneka
• 2007. Migration and settlement in Indian, Korean, and Chinese immigrant communities in Auckland: a perspective from the political ecology of health. PhD thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland.

Andrews, Robyn
• 2020. ‘The Erosion of Legitimacy: Anglo-Indian Experiences’ Presented at: India: Seventy Years of the Republic, NZIRI International Conference, 24-25 February, 2020, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand.

• 2024. “Writing Anglo-Indian Stories” in Green, A., & Hutching, M. (eds.), Remembering and becoming: Oral history in Aotearoa New Zealand. Otago University Press.

• 1978. “Indians in New Zealand.” Looking at New Zealand’s Future, 1(2), August/September, p. 11.

Asia New Zealand Foundation
• 2003. Diwali Festival of Lights: Sponsor Report 2003. Wellington: Asia 2000 Foundation.

Atkinson, J.
• 1969. “Hindus in New Zealand.” Compass 4(1), pp. 10-11.


Bailly, Hannah
• 2016. “An Exploration of Health Perceptions and Practices among South Asian Descendants Living in Dunedin, New Zealand.” Masters Thesis, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Otago, Dunedin. Available at <>.

Ballantyne, Tony

• 2002. “Looking back, looking forward: the historiography of Sikhism.” New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 4(1), pp. 5-29.
• 2010. “India in New Zealand: the fault lines of colonial culture” in Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (ed.) India in New Zealand: local identities, global relations. Dunedin: Otago University Press.

Bandyopadhyay, Sekhar
• 2006. “Reinventing Indian identity in multicultural New Zealand” in Henry Johnson and Brian Moloughney (eds.) Asia in the Making of New Zealand. Auckland: Auckland University Press.
• 2008. Book Review of Jacqueline Leckie’s Indian Settlers: The Story of a New Zealand South Asian CommunityNew Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 10(2), pp. 159-161.
• 2009. “A history of small numbers: Indians in New Zealand, c.1890s–1930s. New Zealand Journal of History, 43(2), pp. 150-168.
• 2010a. India in New Zealand: local identities, global relations. Dunedin: Otago University Press. Edited by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay.
• 2010b. “In the shadow of the empire: India-New Zealand relations since 1947” in Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (ed.) India in New Zealand: local identities, global relations. Dunedin: Otago University Press.

Bandyopadhyay, Sekhar and Jane Buckingham (eds.)
• 2018. Indians in the Antipodes: Networks, Boundaries, and Circulation. Oxford University Press India. <>.

Beal, Tim
• 2006. “Coming to terms with trade: exploring the implications of New Zealand’s economic relationship with Asia” in Henry Johnson and Brian Moloughney (eds.) Asia in the making of New Zealand. Auckland: Auckland University Press.
• 2010. “New Zealand and globalising India: the challenge of developing economic engagement” in Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (ed.) India in New Zealand: local identities, global relations. Dunedin: Otago University Press.

Beattie, James John
• 2011. “Making home, making identity: Asian garden making in New Zealand, 1850s–1930s.” Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes: An International Quarterly 31(2), pp. 139-159.
• 2020. “‘Biota Barons, ‘Neo-Eurasias’ and Indian-New Zealand Informal Eco-Cultural Networks, 1830s–1870s” in Global Environment, Vol. 13, pp. 134–165.

Bedford, Richard
• 1989. “Out of Fiji…a perspective on migration after the coups.” Pacific Viewpoint 30(2), pp. 142-153.

Bedford, Richard and W. Levick
• 1988. “Recent migration from Fiji to New Zealand.” New Zealand Population Review 14(1), pp. 69-81.

Bell, Daphne
• 2001. New to New Zealand: A guide to ethnic groups in New Zealand. Chapters on “India” (pp. 35-38) and “Religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism” (pp.112-119). Auckland: Reed Books.

Bernau, Sharmila
• 2004. Kiwis in the Indian Diaspora. Paper presented at the Kiwi India Seminar Series, Victoria University of Wellington. 6 October. Available from <>.
• 2005. “The Chinese & Indian diasporas in New Zealand: an oral history project.” New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, 7(1), pp.134-152.
• 2006. Imagining community in Godzone – Hinduism and identity amongst Indians in Wellington: an oral history project. Unpublished Masters thesis, Victoria University of Wellington.

Blacklock, E.
• 1932. Our Indian problem. Masters thesis for an M.A., History Department, Auckland: Auckland University College, University of New Zealand.

Bola, M.K.
• 2014. The legacy: the life of Baram (Waryam) Singh Ark, 1883-1950. Auckland: Polygraph New Zealand. Available from <[email protected]>.

Booth, Alison
• 2013. “Sustainability and community networks: the case of the Indian diaspora” in Events, Society and Sustainability: Critical and Contemporary Approaches edited by Tomas Pernecky and Michael Lück. New York: Routledge.
• 2014. Performance networks: Indian cultural production in Aotearoa New Zealand. PhD Thesis. Dunedin. University of Otago. Submitted November 2013. Available here.
• 2015. “Whose Diwali is it? Diaspora, identity and festivalisation.” Tourism, Culture and Communication, Vol. 15, pp. 215-226. Available here.
• 2018. “Negotiating Indianness: Auckland’s shifting cultural festivities” in Sekhar Bandyopadgyay & J. Buckingham (eds) Indian in the Antipodes: Networks of Empire, Boundaries of Race. Oxford University Press.

Booth, Alison and Henry Johnson
• 2021. “Diwali in Dunedin: a case study of festivalisation and intervention in Indian cultural performance in New Zealand” in the New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies , 23(1), pp. 1-20. Available here.

Boyd, James W. and F.M. Kotwal
• 1980. “The Indian Parsis in New Zealand: essentials of Zoroastrianism.” In Indians in New Zealand: Studies of a Sub-Culture. Edited by Kapil Tiwari. Wellington: Price Milburn.

Brawley, S.
• 1993. “No ‘White Policy’ in New Zealand: fact and fiction in New Zealand’s Asian immigration record, 1946-1978.” New Zealand Journal of History 27(1), pp. pp. 16-36.

Budhia, Santi
• 1979. A History of the Indian Settlement in Christchurch. Unpublished MA Thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch.

Buehler, Arthur Frank
• 2006. “Modes of Sufi transmission to New Zealand.” The New Zealand Journal of History 8(2), pp. 97-109.

Butcher, Andrew, Terry McGrath and Paul Stock
• 2008. “Once returned, twice forgotten? Asian students returning home after studying in New Zealand.” New Zealand Population Review, Vols. 33 & 34, pp. 235-248.


Chakravarty, Sayantan
• 2012. Global Indian diaspora: GOPIO making an impact. New Delhi: India Empire Publications. This book has brief sections on the New Zealand GOPIO organisation and one on the Waikato GOPIO branch.

Chhana, Bhikhi
• 2004. Kiwi-India: an historical overview. Paper presented at the Kiwi-India Seminar Series, Asia 2000 Foundation, Victoria University of Wellington, 6 October.

Chhiba, Uka
• 2007. Indians in Pukekohe 1918-2006. Private publication available from Uka Chhiba.

Chhiba, Uka and Amrut Morar, et al.
• 2004. Machhad to New Zealand.

Chhichhia, Purvi Pravin
• 2007. Indian preadolescent girls: lifestyle patterns and accumulated risk styles. Masters Thesis in Health Sciences, Auckland University of Technology.

Clarke, Ian
• 2006. “Essentialising Islam: multiculturallism and Islamic politics in New Zealand.” The New Zealand Journal of History 8(2), pp. 69-96.

Corne, C.
• 1996. “The Indians and their languages in New Zealand” in S.A. Wurm, P. Muhlhausler and D.T. Tryon (eds.) Atlas of languages of intercultural communication in the Pacific, Asia and the Americas, Vol. II.I Texts. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Crawfurd, John
• 1867. “On an ancient Hindu sacrificial bell, with inscription found in the Northern Island of the New Zealand Group.” Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London, Vol. 5, pp. 150-154.


Davey, Judith, Sally Keeling and Arvind Zodgekar
• 2010. “Families, ageing and migration: Indian communities in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.” Institute of Policy Studies, Working Paper 10/03. Published in February 2010 and available from the Institute of Policy Studies’ website at <>.

Daldy, Bridget, Jacques Poot and Matthew Roskruge
• 2013. “Perception of workplace discrimination Among immigrants and native born New Zealanders.” Australian Journal of Labour Economics 16(1), pp. 137-154.

DeSouza, Ruth
• 2004. “The art of walking upright here: realising a multicultural society.” Background paper for the Asia:New Zealand Foundation’s Kiwi Indian Seminar Series, Auckland and Wellington, October 2004.
• 2005. “Transforming possibilities of care? Goan migrant motherhood in New Zealand.” Contemporary Nurse, 20(1), pp. 87-101.
• 2005. “The Treaty and us.” The Global Indian, Issue 15, p. 12. December. <>
• 2006. “Researching the health needs of elderly Indian migrants to New Zealand.” Indian Journal of Gerontology, 20(1-2), pp. 159-170.
• 2006. Walking upright here: countering prevailing discourses through reflexivity and methodological pluralism. Waitakere City: Muddy Creek Press. Features the dual transition of migration and motherhood for women from Goa, India now living in New Zealand.
• 2007. “Women, Portuguese culture and diaspora: women from Goa in New Zealand and cultural adaptation.” Campus Social, 3-4, pp. 107-122. <>.
• 2010. “New mothers in a new land: Indian migrant mothers talk” in Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (ed.) India in New Zealand: local identities, global relations. Dunedin: Otago University Press.
• 2011. “Personal narrative: all of me meets here, an alchemy of parts—negotiating my identities in New Zealand” in Paola Voci and Jacqueline Leckie (eds.) Localizing Asia in Aotearoa. Dunmore Press.

de Vries, Huibert Peter
• 2007. The influence of migration, settlement, cultural and business factors on immigrant entrepreneurship in New Zealand. PhD thesis in the School of Management at the University of Canterbury.

Didham, Robert
• 2010. Future potential and the invisible diaspora: New Zealand and South Asian diasporas. Outlook, Edition 12. Wellington: Asia New Zealand Foundation. April 2010. Available from: <>.
• 2015. “Demographic interdependencies: New Zealand in the Asia-Pacific migration context.” New Zealand Population Review Vol. 41, pp. 119-151.

Dixon, Greg
• 2005. “The Muslim Aucklanders.” Metro, October, No. 292, pp. 48-56.

Dobson, Stephanie
• 2011. “Asian Muslim women negotiating identity in New Zealand” in Paola Voci and Jacqueline Leckie (eds.) Localizing Asia in Aotearoa. Dunmore Press.
• 2012. “Contending with the hyphen(s): Muslim women negotiating identity, gender and conflict in New Zealand.” Sites: New Series, 9(2). Available at: <>.

Drury, Abdullah
• 2000. “A short history of Ponsonby mosque, New Zealand.” Al- Nahdah, 19(3), pp. 36-38.
• 2006. Islam in New Zealand: The First Mosque. Christchurch: Xpress Printing.
• 2014. “The First Records of Muslims in New Zealand.” Iman Newsletter, Issue 154. Wellington Islamic Centre. Available at <>.
• 2016. “Don’t Panic: Muslim Settlement in the Waikato Region of New Zealand.” Waikato Islamic Studies Review, 2(1), March 2016. Available at <>.
• 2016. Once Were Mahometans: Muslims in the South Island of New Zealand, mid-19th to late 20th century, with special reference to Canterbury. MA Thesis. University of Waikato. Available at <>.
• 2016. “Islam’s history and integration in the New Zealand society: a convert’s view” in Erich Kolig and Malcolm Voyce (eds.) Muslim Integration: Pluralism and Multiculturalism in New Zealand and Australia. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
• 2021. “A Short History of the Muslim Community Newsletter” in Al-Qasemi Journal of Islamic Studies 6(1), pp. 1-40.

Drury, Abdullah and Douglas Pratt
• 2021. “Islam in New Zealand – a mixed reception: Historical overview and contemporary challenges.” Journal of College of Sharia & Islamic Studies, 39(1), pp. 149-170. Available at: <>.



Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand
• 2005. Silver Jubilee: Muslims in New Zealand. Wellington: FIANZ.

Foroutan, Yaghoob
• 2015. “Demography of New Zealand’s Muslims: Patterns and Disparities.” Waikato Islamic Studies Review 1(1), March 2015, pp. 50-64. Available at <>.

Friesen, Wardlow
• 1996. “Asian Aucklands” in R. Le Heron and E. Pawson (eds.) Changing places: New Zealand in the Nineties. Auckland: Longman Paul.
• 2008. “The evolution of ‘Indian’ identity and transnationalism in New Zealand.” Australian Geographer 39(1), pp. 45-61.

Friesen, Wardlow and Robin A. Kearns
• 2008. “Indian diaspora in New Zealand: history, identity and cultural landscapes” in Parvati Raghuram, Ajaya Kumar Sahoo, Brij Maharaj, Dave Sangha (eds.)
Tracing an Indian Diaspora: Contexts, Memories, Representations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Friesen, Wardlow, Laurence Murphy and Robin A. Kearns
• 2005. “Spiced-up Sandhringham: Indian transnationalism and new suburban spaces in Auckland, New Zealand.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 31(2), March, pp. 385-401.

Fuchs, Martin, Antje Linkenbach and Aditya Malik
• 2010. “What does it mean to be Indian? A view from Christchurch” in Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (ed.) India in New Zealand: local identities, global relations. Dunedin: Otago University Press.


Gani, Azmat and Bert Ward
• 1995. “Migration of professionals from Fiji to New Zealand: a reduced form supply-demand model.” World Development, 23(9), pp. 1633-1637.

Ghosh, Gautam and Jacqueline Leckie
• 2015. Asians and the new multiculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand. Dunedin: Otago University Press. Available at <>

Gilbertson, Amanda
• 2007: Symbolic ethnicity and the dilemmas of difference: talking Indianness with New Zealand-born Gujaratis. Submitted in fulfillemnet of the requirements of a Master of Arts in Anthropology, Victoria University of Wellington. Available at <>.
• 2008. “Being New Zealanders now: intricacies of identity in a multicultural New Zealand.” Journal of New Zealand Studies, No. 6/7, October, pp. 37-58. Availability: <>.
• 2010. “Choosing Indian and Kiwi identities: the ethnic options of New Zealand-born Gujaratis” in Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (ed.) India in New Zealand: local identities, global relations. Dunedin: Otago University Press.
• 2012. “Indians and the Reflexive Project of the Self: Discourses of Ethnicity Among New Zealand-born Gujaratis” in Sharmina Mawani and Anjoom Mukadam (eds.) Gujarati Communities Across The Globe: Memory, Identity and Continuity. Staffordshire, England: Trentham Books.

Gillion, K.L.
• 1956. “Sources of Indian emigration to Fiji.” Populations Studies, 10(2), pp. 139-157.

Gordon, R. and J. Reynolds
• 1988. “The Asian invasion.” Metro 8(85), pp. 150-163, July.

Gould, T.
• 2008. Christchurch Indian Sports Club. Available at < sports-club/4523143138>.

Grant, S.
• 1997. Fiji-Indian Women in New Zealand: The Effects of Migration and Change on their Communication Patterns. Working Paper Series, School of Management Studies. Hamilton: The University of Waikato.

Graves, T.D.
• 1984. “Would you want your daughter to marry one.” In Patterns of Social Behaviour: New Zealand and the South Pacific, edited by D.R. Thomas. Psychology Research Series No. 17, University of Waikato, Hamilton.

Graves, T.D. and N.B. Graves
• 1984. “As others see us: New Zealanders’ image of themselves and of immigrant groups.” In Patterns of Social Behaviour: New Zealand and the South Pacific, edited by D.R. Thomas. Psychology Research Series No. 17, University of Waikato, Hamilton.

Grimes, E.
• 1957. Indians in New Zealand—The Socio-cultural Situation of Migrants from India in the Auckland Province. MA Thesis. Auckland: Dept. of Anthropology, University of Auckland.


Harrington-Watt, Kathleen
• 2011. Vernacular Photographs as Privileged Objects: The Social Relationships of Photographs in the Homes of Gujurati New Zealanders. MA Thesis, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Canterbury.

Hartono, Hanny Savitri
• 2012. “The Making of Muslim Spaces in an Auckland Suburb.” New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, 14, 2 (December 2012), pp. 38-53. <>

Hilder, Brett
• 1975. “The story of the Tamil bell.” The Journal of the Polynesian Society, 84(4), pp. 476-484.

Hill, C. and P. Brosnan
• 1984. “The occupational distribution of the major ethnic groups in New Zealand.” New Zealand Population Review 10(1), pp. 33-42.

Ho, Elsie
• 2015. “The changing face of Asian peoples in New Zealand.” New Zealand Population Review Vol. 41, pp. 95-118.

Hundt, Marianne
• 2019 “‘My language, my identity’: negotiating language use and attitudes in the New Zealand Fiji Indian diaspora”. Asian Englishes, 21(1). <>.

Hussain, Yasmin
• 2018. “‘I know my roots are Indian but my thinking is Kiwi’: hybridisation, identity and ‘Indians’ in New Zealand.” South Asian Diaspora, April 2018. Available at <>.


Imtiaz, R.
• 2000. “Public library use by Indian immigrants in Palmerston North: a qualitative study.” M.L.I.S. research paper. Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington.

Ip, Manying and Jacqueline Leckie
• 2011. “‘Chinamen’ and ‘Hindoos’: beyond stereotypes to Kiwi Asians” in Paola Voci and Jacqueline Leckie (eds.) Localizing Asia in Aotearoa. Dunmore Press.

Indian, The
• 2003. “Alteration in Diwali celebration.” <>.


Jaisim, A.
• 2003. Feelings of stigma and coping abilities of Indian families with mentally retarded children. Unpublished MA Thesis in Psychology. Christchurch: University of Canterbury.

Jansen, Adrienne and Ans Westra
• 2009. The Crescent Moon: The Asian Face of Islam in New Zealand. Auckland: Asia New Zealand Foundation. Click here for more info.

Johnson, Henry
• 2007. ”Happy Diwali! Performance, multicultural soundscapes and intervention in Aotearoa/New Zealand.” Ethnomusicology Forum 16(1), pp. 71 – 94.
• 2010. “Lighting up Aotearoa: presenting Diwali to a multicultural nation” in Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (ed.) India in New Zealand: local identities, global relations. Dunedin: Otago University Press.

Johnson, Henry and Guil Figgins
• 2005. “Diwali downunder: transforming and performing Indian tradition in Aotearoa/New Zealand.” New Zealand Journal of Media Studies, 9(1).

Johnson, Henry and Brian Moloughney (eds.)
• 2006. Asia in the Making of New Zealand. Auckland: Auckland University Press.

Johnston, Ron, Andrew Trlin, Anne Henderson, and Nicola North
• 2006. “Sustaining and creating migration chains among skilled immigrant groups: Chinese, Indians and South Africans in New Zealand.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 32(7), pp. 1227-1250.

Johnston, Ron, Andrew Trlin, Anne Henderson, Nicola North and M.J. Skinner
• 2005. “Housing experience and settlement satisfaction: recent Chinese, Indian and South African skilled immigrants to New Zealand.” Housing Studies, 20(3), pp. 401-421.


Kasanji, Lalita Vanmali
• 1980. “Food, marriage, and festivals: a comparative study of Indians in Gujarat and Indians in New Zealand.” In Indians in New Zealand: Studies in a Sub-Culture. Edited by Kapil N. Tiwari. Wellington: Price Milburn.
• 1982. The Gujaratis in Wellington: The Study of an Ethnic Group. MA Thesis, Department of Sociology, Victoria University of Wellington.

Kashyap, C.L.
• 1989. Wellington Fiji-Hindus and their housing and architecture. B. Arch. Research Report. Wellington: School of Architecture, Victoria University.

Keen, D.
• 1999. “Under Indian eyes: what do Indians want children and young people in New Zealand to know and understand about India?” Journal of Social Studies, 8, pp. 15-19.

Kember, James
• 2002. “Asian Immigration to New Zealand: A Changing Pattern.” Address to Semyong University, Republic of Korea, 2 May 2002. Available from the New Zealand Asia Institute, University of Auckland, <>.

Khan, Abdur Razzaq
• 1980. Wellington Muslim Community. Master’s Thesis. Christchurch: University of Canterbury.

Kirwan, E.
• 1978. Indian Immigration to New Zealand. B.A. (Hons.) dissertation. Wellington: Dept. of Geography, Victoria University.

Kolig, Erich
• 2003. “An accord of cautious distance: Muslims in New Zealand, ethnic relations, and image management.” New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 5(2), pp. 24-50.
• 2006. “A Gordian knot of rights and duties: New Zealand’s Muslims and multiculturalism.” The New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 8(2), pp. 45-68.
• 2006. “Interfacing with the West: Muslims, Multiculturalism and Radicalism in New Zealand.” New Zealand Sociology 21(2), pp. 215-246.
• 2010. New Zealand’s Muslims and Multiculturalism. Brill Academic Publishers. Netherlands.

Kolig, Erich and William Shepard
• 2006. “Introduction: Muslims in New Zealand.” The New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 8(2), pp. 1-7.

Kolig, Erich and Malcolm Voyce
• 2016. Muslim Integration: Pluralism and Multiculturalism in New Zealand and Australia. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.

Kondapi, C.
• 1951. Indians overseas, 1838-1949. New Delhi: Indian Council of World Affairs. (Contains information on early Indo-Fijian arrivals in New Zealand.)

Krogt, C.J.
• 1990. “Islam.” In Religions of New Zealanders, edited by P. Donovan, Palmerston North: Dunmore Press, pp. 186-205.

Kunin, Rebecca
• 2010. “A stormy affair: Indian film production in New Zealand” in Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (ed.) India in New Zealand: local identities, global relations. Dunedin: Otago University Press.


Leckie, Jacqueline
• 1981. They Sleep Standing Up: Gujaratis in New Zealand to 1945. PhD Thesis. Dunedin: Department of History, University of Otago.
• 1985. “In defense of race and empire: the White New Zealand League at Pukekohe.” New Zealand Journal of History 19(2), pp. 103-129.
• 1990. “From race aliens to an ethnic group: Indians in New Zealand.” In M.C. Howard (ed.) Ethnicity and Nation Building in the Pacific. Tokyo: United Nations University.
• 1993. “Mahila Samaj.” In Women Together: A History of Women’s Organizations in New Zealand, edited by A. Else, Historical Branch Internal Affairs, Wellington, pp. 536-539.
• 1995a. “Silent immigrants? gender, immigration, and ethnicity in New Zealand.” In Immigration and National Identity in New Zealand, edited by Stuart Greif. Palmerston: Dunmore Press, pp. 50-76.
• 1995b. “South Asians: old and new migrations.” In Stuart Greif (ed.) Immigration and National Identity in New Zealand. Palmerston: Dunmore Press, pp. 133-160.
• 1998. “The southernmost Indian diaspora: from Gujarat to Aotearoa.” South Asia, Vol. 21, pp. 161-180.
• 2000. “Natali, Jelal Kalyangi, 1899-1993,” in New Zealand Dictionary of Biography. Wellington: Historical Branch, Department of Internal Affairs, Vol. 5, pp. 364-365.
• 2004. “Fijians,” in Te Ara, the Encyclopedia of New Zealand. Wellington: Ministry of Culture and Heritage. <>.
• 2005. “Indian settlers in New Zealand: seminar notes.” Paper presented at the Kiwi India Seminar, Victoria University of Wellington, 6 October 2004.
• 2006. “Indians in New Zealand,” in The Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora, B. Lal (ed.). Singapore: National University of Singapore, pp. 389-395.
• 2007. “Gumboots and saris: engendering Indian settlers’ history in Aotearoa,” in Asia in the Making of New Zealand, H. Johnson and B. Moloughney (eds.). Auckland: Auckland University Press, pp. 79-93.
• 2007. Indian Settlers: The Story of a New Zealand South Asian Community. Dunedin: University of Otago Press.
• 2010. “A long diaspora: Indian settlement” in Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (ed.) India in New Zealand: local identities, global relations. Dunedin: Otago University Press.
• 2011. “Indians in the South Pacific: recentred diasporas” in Jacob Edmond, Henry Johnson and Jacqueline Leckie (eds.) Recentring Asia: histories, encounters and identities. Boston: Global Oriental.
• 2013. “The beginning of the Kiwi Indian identity.” Indian Weekender, 31 May. Available at <>.
• 2014. “Anand Satyanand: a prominent son of the Indian diaspora.” New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 16(2), pp. 31-46. December issue.

Leckie, Jacqueline and S. Patel
• 2011. “Global Gujarat in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Establishing new communities”. In T. Chakrabarti (ed.) Global Gujarat and its diaspora. New Delhi, Creative Books.

Leckie, Jacqueline and Paola Voci (eds.)
• 2011. Localizing Asia in Aotearoa. Dunmore Press.

Lewin, Joanna, Carina Meares, Trudie Cain, Paul Spoonley, Robin Peace and Elsie Ho
• 2011. Namaste New Zealand: Indian employers and employees in Auckland. Research Report No. 5/2011. Integration of Immigrants Programme, Massey University and the University of Waikato. Available for download here: <>

Lineham, Peter
• n.d. “Islam in New Zealand: Historical Demography.” Available at: <>.

Listener, The
• 1979. “Minarets in Ponsonby.” The Listener. 21 April 1979, pp. 18-?.

Longhurst, Robyn, Lynda Johnston and Elsie Ho
• 2009. “A visceral approach: cooking ‘at home’ with migrant women in Hamilton, New Zealand.” Transactions – Institute of British Geographers, 34(3), pp. 333 – 345.

Lovell-Smith, B.
• 1992. “Taking root in a new land: Hamilton Public Library’s 1990 oral history project.” Oral History New Zealand, Vol. 4, pp. 36-39.


Maharaja, A.
• 1993. “Ethnic minorities and art education in New Zealand: perceptions of Indian and Chinese students, their teachers and parents.” M.Ed. Thesis. Palmerston North: Education Faculty, Massey University.

Maurice, Donald
• 2004. “The status of Indian classical music in New Zealand society.” Paper presented at the Kiwi India Seminar Series, Victoria University of Wellington. 20 October. Available at <>.

McClean, Rosalind
• 2003. “How We Prepare Them in India: British Diasporic Imaginings and Migration to New Zealand.” New Zealand Journal of History, 37(2), pp. 131-151.

McDonald, J.
• 1982. The Patels: An Indian Family in New Zealand. Auckland: North Shore Teachers College.

McGee, T.G.
• 1960. The Indian Community in Wellington City: A Geographical Contribution to the Study of Assimilation. MA Thesis, Geography Department. Wellington: Victoria University.
• 1962. “Indian settlement in New Zealand: 1900-1956.” New Zealand Geographer 18(2), October, pp. 203-223.
• 1993. “Indians in New Zealand.” In Jagat K. Motwani, Mahin Gosine, and Jyoti Barot-Motwani (eds.) Global Indian Diaspora: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. New Delhi: Global Organization of People of Indian Origin.

McGill, David
• 1982. “The continuing Asian influx through New Zealand’s legally closed door: Indians.” Chapter in McGill’s book The Other New Zealanders, pp. 122-129. Wellington: Mallinson Rendel Publishers.

McKinnon, Malcolm
• 1997. Immigrants and citizens: New Zealanders and Asian immigration in historical context. Wellington: Institute of Policy Studies, Victoria University of Wellington.

McLeod, W. H.
• 1980. “The Punjabi community in New Zealand.” In Indians in New Zealand: Studies of a Sub-Culture. Edited by Kapil Tiwari. Wellington: Price Milburn.
• 1984. A List of Punjabi Immigrants in New Zealand 1890-1939. Hamilton: Central Indian Association Country Section.
• 1986. Punjabis in New Zealand: A History of Punjabi Migration 1890-1940. Amritsar: Guru Nanak Dev University.

McLeod, W. H. and S. Bhullar
• 1992. Punjab to Aotearoa: Migration and Settlement of Punjabis in New Zealand, 1890-1990. Hamilton: The New Zealand Indian Association Country Section.

McLoughlin, D.
• 1988. “Jagpal Singh Benipal v. Minister of Foreign Affairs.” Metro 7(82), pp. 78-99.

McMenamin, Dorothy
• 2002. “Questioning the stereotype: Anglo-Indian communities in New Zealand.” In Proceedings of 1st International Anglo-Indian Conference, Melbourne, Australia. <>.
• 2006. “Anglo-Indian experiences during Partition violence and its impact upon their lives”. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 8(1), pp. 69-95.
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