This is a bibliography (currently work in progress) of the Chinese in Aotearoa New Zealand. If you know of other publications that should be on this list, please use the contact form on our website (accessed from the menubar above or by clicking on Contacts) and let us know the publication’s bibliographic details. Many thanks!
Beattie, James John and J. Boileau (2020) ‘“Cultivated with great carefulness’: Chinese market gardening, urban food supplies and public health in Australasia, 1860s-1950s” in New Zealand Journal of History.
Bell, David (2019) “China in Dunedin: Contemporary Chinese Art at Dunedin Public Art Gallery” in New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, December 2019 issue.
DeSouza, Ruth and Nick Garrett (2005) Access Issues for Chinese People in New Zealand, Final Report. Prepared for the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). Centre for Asian and Migrant Health Research, Auckland University of Technology. Available here.
Du, Jidong and Wu, Minchao (2019) “A Study of the History of the Chinese Diaspora of New Zealand from the Perspective of Global History” in New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, December 2019 issue, translated by Duncan Campbell and Peng Lifang.
Greif, Stuart (1974) The overseas Chinese in New Zealand. Singapore: Asia Pacific Press.
Ho, Elsie and Lan-hung Nora Chiang (2017) “Long-distance Filial Piety: Chinese Families in Australasia Caring for Elderly Parents across Borders” in Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives, Vol 2, pp. 278-311. DOI: 10.1163/24522015-01102006. Available at <>.
Xue, Jingjing, Wardlow Friesen and David O’Sullivan (2011) “Diversity in Chinese Auckland: Hypothesising Multiple Ethnoburbs” in Population, Space and Place, DOI: 10.1002/psp.688.