Remember: It’s never too late to start an EarthDiverse course. You can catch up with the live video recordings!

New Introductory (101) language courses usually begin in Term 1 and Term 3 every year. If you’d like to register for any 102 course now, and haven’t taken the Introductory 101 course, you can register for both as a bundle and have access to the video recordings from the 101 course at half price. Then you can begin your studies with 101 while you wait for the live sessions of the 102 class to begin. If you are interested in this option, please drop us an email by clicking on the Contact link in the above Menu bar, and let us know which language course you are interested for the 101/102 bundle.

EarthDiverse currently offers the following languages:

Our language courses are designed for:

  • introductory learners,
  • those who do not read, write or speak a foreign language,
  • second+ generation migrants who wish to learn to read, write and speak their Heritage Language,
  • Pākehā learners who wish to better engage with native speakers.
language areas of the brain
Pasifika Language programmes currently offered through our language partners Talents of the Pacific Academy (TOPA):
Additional Language programmes previously taught:
  • Afrikaans
  • Arabic
  • Italian
  • Mandarin Chinese
  • Portuguese
  • Thai
  • Vietnamese

Previous Term courses for these above languages may be available if you are interested in video-only courses as a trial at 50% discount. Please drop us an email at any time using the Contact link in the Menu Bar above.

On language:

At EarthDiverse, we believe that language is culture, and there is no true understanding of other cultures unless we make an effort to learn non-English languages. If we truly wish to engage with others we must begin to learn some of the other spoken languages and written alphabets of our diverse earth. We have the capacity!

Language learning can be fun and engaging, and is a great way to exercise our brains.

Language training can improve brain fitness:

Learning a new language is excellent brain exercise and is an incredibly useful tool for learners of any age to keep our minds working and functioning properly and our cognitive abilities operating at peak performance. If we exercise our bodies, why not add some mental gymnastics to our tool boxes as well?

More information and links to scientific articles coming soon!

Our language teaching methods:

At EarthDiverse, we also know how busy we all are these days, and how much of a commitment learning a new language can be. That’s why we try to make learning a new language as effortless as possible. All we require is for you to commit an hour and a half of your time each week to attend your class sessions, either in-person, live-streaming via Zoom, or watching the recorded video sessions. That’s 12 class hours per term delivered in 8 sessions, or 48 hours a year. The majority of our students who commit to 2 years of class-only language instruction (or 96 hours total over two years), can read, understand and have conversations in their new language! We do not require you to complete extra study in addition to your hour and a half time commitment, nor do we require you to complete any outside-of-class homework. You can always do this if you like, and your instructor will support you 100%. If you’d like to go that extra mile, we provide sets of flashcards for vocabulary learning that you can freely access via the Quizlet app on your phones, tablets and computers. For learning new scripts, we suggest downloading the free Scripts app, which currently supports Hebrew, Hindi and Japanese. For grammar, conversation and comprehension, we suggest downloading the free Drops or Duolinguo apps.

Using Quizlet for vocabulary, Scripts for learning how to write non-Roman letters, and Drops or Duolinguo for grammar and comprehension allows you to reinforce your language learning while you’re waiting in line for your takeaway felafel, sitting in an office waiting for an appointment, or waiting in your car to pick up the kids. You can use any of these tools whenever and wherever you want, in short 5 minute bursts, and as often as you like, including not at all!

In short, EarthDiverse wants to make language learning as simple and easy as possible. And if you’re committed, think long term and we can make language acquisition as painless and passive as if you were a baby learning your first language. While this method is radically different from “intensive study” or “total immersion” methods of most language schools, we feel that our pedagogy actually works for busy adult learners who may not have more time to devote to language learning than the one and a half hour class commitment each week. While you may not be speaking your chosen language after a year of study (8 sessions per Term over 4 terms per year = 32 class sessions of 1.5 hrs = 48 class hours spread out over a year), if you stick with it, you most likely will by the end of your second year, and will have done so with little interruption to your weekly schedule other than setting aside a short period each week during the Term. And if you’re keen to do more or learn faster, our instructors are always ready to help you tailor your language programme to best suit your needs.

Language Programmes currently on offer:

The following Language programmes are offered by EarthDiverse. For more detailed information on each language, the different level courses for each, class locations, and the respective days and times for each class, please click on the appropriate tiles below to be taken to the pages for each particular language.


Language Courses currently offered:

Courses listed below in bolded blue text are currently on offer this Term. Courses listed in blue are not currently offered this Term but are rotated in again in future Terms. New Introductory language cohorts (i.e. beginner 101 courses) are generally offered in Term 1 and Term 3 each year (pending sufficient enrolments). Please note that all language classes are offered pending sufficient student enrollment.

ARABIC COURSES: (not currently offered)

Arabic 101: Introductory Arabic, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3)

Arabic 102: Introductory Arabic, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4)

Arabic 103: Introductory Arabic, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3)

Arabic 104: Introductory Arabic, Part 4 (Term 2 & Term 4)

Arabic 201: Intermediate Arabic, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3)

Arabic 202: Intermediate Arabic, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4)

Arabic 203: Intermediate Arabic, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3)

Arabic 204: Intermediate Arabic, Part 4 (Term 2 & Term 4)

Arabic 301: Intermediate Arabic, Part 5 (Term 1 & Term 3)

Arabic 500: Conversational Arabic offered pending sufficient enrolment

• Arabic Language and Culture courses for children of members of the Waikato Arab Social Club are currently offered on Sundays. Please contact us for information.

DUTCH COURSES: with Hein Laaper

Dutch 101: Introductory Dutch, Part 1 (Mondays 7:00-8:30pm, beginning 10 Feb 2025) 

Dutch 102: Introductory Dutch, Part 2 (Mondays 7:00-8:30pm, beginning 28 April 2025)

Dutch 103: Introductory Dutch, Part 3 (Fridays 4:00-5:30pm, beginning 2 Aug 2024)

Dutch 104: Introductory Dutch, Part 4 (to be determined)

Dutch 201: Intermediate Dutch, Part 1 (to be determined)

Dutch 202: Intermediate Dutch, Part 2 (to be determined)

Dutch 203: Intermediate Dutch, Part 3 (to be determined)

Dutch 204: Intermediate Dutch, Part 4 (Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 pm beginning 22 October 2024)

Dutch 301: Intermediate Dutch, Part 5 (Tuesdays 7:00-8:30pm beginning 11 Feb 2025)

Dutch 302: Intermediate Dutch, Part 6 (Tuesdays 7:00-8:30pm beginning 29 Apr 2024)

FARSI/PERSIAN COURSES: with Mahdis Madani, PhD Candidate

Farsi 101: Introductory Farsi, Part 1 (Thursdays 4:30-6:00pm, beginning 13 Feb 2025)

Farsi 102: Introductory Farsi, Part 2 (Thursdays 4:30-6:00pm, beginning 1 May 2025)

Farsi 103: Introductory Farsi, Part 3 (Fridays 4:30-6:00pm, beginning 14 Feb 2025 )

Farsi 104: Introductory Farsi, Part 4 (Fridays 4:30-6:00pm, beginning 2 May 2025)

Farsi 201: Intermediate Farsi, Part 1 (to be determined)

GERMAN COURSES: with Hein Laaper and Norman Franke, PhD

German 101: Introductory German, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

German 102: Introductory German, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

German 103: Introductory German, Part 3  (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

German 104: Introductory German, Part 4  (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

HEBREW COURSES: with Benjamin Tobias

HEB101: Introductory Hebrew, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year) 

HEB102: Introductory Hebrew, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

HEB103: Introductory Hebrew, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

HEB104: Introductory Hebrew, Part 4 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

HEB201: Intermediate Hebrew, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

HEB202: Intermediate Hebrew, Part 2 (pending sufficient enrolment)

HEB203: Intermediate Hebrew, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

• HEB204: Intermediate Hebrew, Part 4  (coming soon)

HEB301: Conversational Hebrew (pending sufficient enrolment)

HINDI COURSES: with Todd Nachowitz, PhD. Please Note that Todd will be away for much of 2025 Term 1 and that a shortened 4-week Term will begin the week starting 27 January 2025.

HINDI 1-on-1 TUTORIALS  private lessons (can begin any time of the year)

HIN101: Introductory Hindi, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

HIN101: Introductory Hindi for North American time zones  (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

HIN102: Introductory Hindi, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

HIN103: Introductory Hindi, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

HIN104: Introductory Hindi, Part 4 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

HIN201: Intermediate Hindi, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

HIN202: Intermediate Hindi, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

HIN203: Intermediate Hindi, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

HIN204: Intermediate Hindi, Part 4 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

HIN301: Intermediate Hindi, Part 5 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

HIN302: Intermediate Hindi, Part 6 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

HIN303: Intermediate Hindi, Part 7 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

HIN304: Intermediate Hindi, Part 8 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

HIN401: Advanced Hindi, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

HIN402: Advanced Hindi, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

HIN403: Advanced Hindi, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

HIN404: Advanced Hindi, Part 4 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

HIN501: Advanced Hindi, Part 5 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

HIN601: Conversational Hindi w/ Annu (offered every Term)

JAPANESE COURSES:  with Yurika Arai, MA and Matt Ferri; Please Note that Yurika is on leave in 2025 Term 1 and that our advanced Japanese programme will begin again in 2025 Term 2 (May 2025).

JAPANESE 1-on-1 TUTORIALS  private lessons (can begin any time of the year)

JPN101: Introductory Japanese, Part 1 (offered again in 2024 Term 2)

JPN102: Introductory Japanese, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

JPN103: Introductory Japanese, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

JPN104: Introductory Japanese, Part 4  (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

JPN201: Intermediate Japanese, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

JPN202: Intermediate Japanese, Part 4  (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

JPN203: Intermediate Japanese, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

JPN204: Intermediate Japanese, Part 4  (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

JPN301: Intermediate Japanese, Part 5,  (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

JPN302: Intermediate Japanese, Part 6 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

JPN303: Intermediate Japanese, Part 7 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

JPN304: Intermediate Japanese, Part 8 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

JPN401: Advanced Japanese, Part 1 (offered Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

JPN402: Advanced Japanese, Part 2 (offered Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

JPN403: Advanced Japanese, Part 3 (offered Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

JPN404: Advanced Japanese, Part 4 (offered Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

JPN501: Advanced Japanese, Japanese Language Proficiency Test (offered 2024 Term 1 – Feb-Apr)

JPN502: Advanced Japanese, Japanese Language Proficiency Test (offered 2024 Term 2 – May-Jun)

JPN503: Advanced Japanese, Japanese Language Proficiency Test (offered 2024 Term 3 – Jul-Sep)

JPN504 – Advanced Japanese, Japanese Language Proficiency Test (offered 2024 Term 4 – Oct-Dec)

SPANISH COURSES:  with Marisol Gutierrez

SPA101: Introductory Spanish, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

SPA102: Introductory Spanish, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

SPA103: Introductory Spanish, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

SPA104: Introductory Spanish, Part 4 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

SPA201: Intermediate Spanish, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

SPA202: Intermediate Spanish, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

SPA203: Intermediate Spanish, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

SPA204: Intermediate Spanish, Part 4 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

TAMIL COURSES:  with Kalai Krishnan, pending sufficient enrolment

TML101: Introductory Tamil, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

TML102: Introductory Tamil, Part 2 Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

TML103: Introductory Tamil, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

TML104: Introductory Tamil, Part 4 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)

TML201: Intermediate Tamil, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3 every year)

• TML202: Intermediate Tamil, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4 every year)


Māori 101: Introductory Māori, Part 1 (begins May 2025)

Māori 102: Introductory Māori, Part 2 (begins Jul 2025)

Māori 103: Introductory Māori, Part 3 (begins Oct 2025)

URDU COURSES:  with Todd Nachowitz, PhD. Please Note that Todd will be away for much of 2025 Term 1 and that a shortened 4-week Term will begin the week starting 27 January 2025.

Urdu 1-on-1 Tutorial: private lessons (can begin at any time throughout the year)

Urdu 101: Introductory Urdu, Part 1 (Term 1 & Term 3)

Urdu 102: Introductory Urdu, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4)

Urdu 103: Introductory Urdu, Part 3 (Term 1 & Term 3)

Urdu 104: Introductory Urdu, Part 4 (Term 2 & Term 4)

Urdu 201: Intermediate Urdu, Part 1  (Term 1 & Term 3)

Urdu 202: Intermediate Urdu, Part 2 (Term 2 & Term 4)

Urdu 203: Intermediate Urdu, Part 3  (Term 1 & Term 3)

Urdu 204: Intermediate Urdu, Part 4  (Term 2 & Term 4)

Urdu 301: Intermediate Urdu, Part 5 (Term 1 & Term 3)

Urdu 302: Intermediate Urdu, Part 6 (Term 2 & Term 4)

Urdu 303: Intermediate Urdu, Part 7 (Term 1 & Term 3)

Urdu 304: Intermediate Urdu, Part 8 (Term 2 & Term 4)

Urdu 401: Intermediate Urdu, Part 9 (Term 1 & Term 3)

Urdu 501: Advanced Urdu: Urdu Literature, offered pending sufficient enrolment

General Information:

For more detailed information on each series or course, when offered, class times and locations, and course fees and registration) click on the appropriate links above.

If the course you are interested in is not currently being taught, rest assured that it will be again in the future as we continuously rotate the courses on offer. We also plan to add additional courses and locations in the future. Please contact us if you are interested in having us teach in your area or through your local group, association or organisation.


  • Term 1: begins the week of Mon 10 Feb, and ends Fri 4 Apr 2025
  • Term 2: begins the week of Mon 28 Apr, and ends Fri 20 Jun 2025
  • Term 3: begins the week of Mon 21 Jul, and ends Fri 12 Sep 2025
  • Term 4: begins the week of Mon 13 Oct, and ends Fri 5 Dec 2025

DISTANCE-LEARNING OPTIONS: In addition to our regular in-person classes which are offered in Hamilton, we offer ‘Distance Learning’ options for all of our Language courses. Study from anywhere and at any time! Distance-learning options have been added for those living outside the Waikato or for those unable to attend our in-person classes in Hamilton. If you are a Distance-Learner you have the option of joining our regular live classroom sessions via Zoom at the regularly scheduled class time, or you can watch a video-recording of the Zoom classroom session at your leisure and study at your own pace.



  • Waged: NZ$225 per person per term (includes GST + online registration fee)
  • Unwaged/Student/Senior: NZ$200/person (includes GST + online registration fee)

Above prices are for 1.5 hour courses. Two-hour courses may be slightly higher.


LOCATION: All in-person classes are held at the EarthDiverse Centre located at 401 Anglesea Street, Hamilton Central, Hamilton (located just north of the Hamilton Central Bus Station, above Copier World) (entrance is located on the left side of the building, see map). Those looking for parking for our evening classes can park just in front of the building in any of the available car parks. Daytime parking can be found in our dedicated car parks, or free 2-hour on-street daytime parking can be found just in front on Anglesea Street.

Distance-Learning: You choose your location and Zoom in via free Zoom software.


If you are interested in teaching a language that is not usually taught in New Zealand, we are interested in talking with you! Drop us a line by using our Contact page, accessed from the above Menu bar. We plan to continually offer new language courses in the future.

If you are interested in attending any of these classes or would like additional information, please contact us by using the Contact Form on our Contact page.

Language families of the world
Wall of Love on Montmartre in Paris: “I love you” in 250 languages, by calligraphist Fédéric Baron and artist Claire Kito (2000), pic by Britchi Mirela